Artikel ini menjelaskan cara cepat untuk memprogram PABX Panasonic type TDA dengan menggunakan Digital Key Telephone.
Tapi cara ini tidak disarankan untuk melakukan setting program jika banyak fitur-fitur yang akan diprogram, karena pada mode pemprograman menggunakan Digital Key Telephone, banyak fitur atau setting yang tidak bisa di program menggunakan pesawat telephone, sebaiknya gunakan UPCMC atau software untuk memprogram PABX Panasonic type TDA.
Untuk daftar lengkap code program bisa dilihat di Daftar kode program TDA
001 System speed dialing entry
002 System password
003 DSS Console port assignment
004 Paired telephone assignment for DSS CONSOLE
005 One touch transfer using a DSS BUTTON
006 Time service ( Day / Night / Lunch ) changing mode
007 Time service start time
008 Operator assignment
009 Extension number assignment
100 Hunting group set
101 Hunting type
102 Voice mail port
103 DTFM Integration
104 Hold mode selection
105 Conference tone
106 External paging acces tone
107 DTMF Receiver check
108 Flash mode for a station locked extension
109 CO Indictor assignment
110 Flash key mode
111 Hold music selection
112 DSS Console indication mode
113 Automatic redial reapet
114 Automatic redial interval time
115 extention ringing pattern selection
116 Conference pattern selection
117 Call pickup tone
118 Pulse restriction
119 Redialing after pulse to tone conversion
120 Bell frequency
121 Automatic outside co line access number
122 Automatic rotation for CO LINE
123 Break ratio
124 SLT ringing mode selection
125 Tool restriction check for * and #
200 Hold recall time
201 Transfer recall time
202 Call forwarding start time
203 Pickup dial delay time
204 Call duration count start time
205 Outside to outside ( CO to CO ) line duration time limit
206 Dialing start time
207 Hook switch flash timing range selection
208 Inter digit time
211 No dial disconnection
212 CO Line duration time limit
213 Bell off detection
300 Carrier code detection
301 Toll restriction – SSD
302 – 305 Toll restriction class 2 trough 5 denied codes
306 Toll restriction – exeption codes
309 Toll emergency dial number set
310 Account codes
311 Automatic pause insertion codes
312 Toll restriction – station lock bondry class
400 CO Line connection
401 Dial mode
402 Pulse speed selection
403 Host PBX acces codes
404 Outside ( co ) line group assignment
405 – 407 Flexible outward dialing assignment – D / N / L
408 – 410 Flexible ringing assignment – D / N / L
411 – 413 Delayed ringing assignment – D / N / L
414 – 416 Outside ( CO ) line mode – D / N / L
417 Pause time
418 Flash time
419 Automatic designated outside ( CO ) line access
420 Calling party control ( CPC ) signal
421 CPC detection for outgoing calls
422 Disconection time
423 Outside ( CO ) line ringing pattern select
424 Reverse ( polarity ) circuit assignment
500 DISA incoming dialing mode selection
501 DISA built in Auto attendant
502 OGM Mode selection
503 FAX Conection
504 DISA Delayed answer time
505 DISA Waiting time after OGM
506 DISA Busy mode
507 DISA Intercept mode
508 DISA ringing time before intercept
509 DISA ringing time after intercept
510 DISA No dial mode
511 DISA Security type
512 DISA Security codes
513 Cyclic tone detection
514 Fax tone detection
515 Intercept time for for internal DISA
516 DISA incoming assignment
517 DISA AA wait time
518 DISA Tone selection after the security codes
519 DISA OGM Mute time
520 UCD Group
521 UCD Busy waiting time
522 UCD OGM Message internal time
523 UCD Busy mode
524 UCD Intercept mode
525 UCD ringing time before intercept
526 UCD ringing time after intercept
600 Extension group assignment
601 – 603 TRS – COS ( Class Of Service ) Assignment
604 Ext name setting
605 Account codes entry mode
606 Call transfer to an outside ( CO ) line
607 Call forwarding to an outside ( CO ) line
608 Executive busy overide
609 DND Overide
610 Pararelled telf conection
611 TAM ( Telp Answering Machine ) Ext
612 Room monitoring assignment
613 Outside ( CO ) line detection time limit selection
614 Internal pulse detection
615 LCD Language
700 – 702 Doorphone ringing assignment
703 – 705 Door opener assignment
706 Doorphone ringing / tone pattern selection
707 Doorphone acces tone selection
708 Doorphone ringing assignment
709 Door opener time
800 SMDR RS – 232 C Com parameter
801 SMDR Parameter
802 Incoming / outgoing call selection for printing
803 Secret speed dialing / one touch dialing printing
805 SMDR Account code selection
806 SMDR Language assignment
999 System data clear
1. Slide the system clear switch to the “ CLEAR “ position
2. Press the “ RESET “ button
3. Return the system “ CLEAR “ switch to the “ NORMAL “ position
Tapi cara ini tidak disarankan untuk melakukan setting program jika banyak fitur-fitur yang akan diprogram, karena pada mode pemprograman menggunakan Digital Key Telephone, banyak fitur atau setting yang tidak bisa di program menggunakan pesawat telephone, sebaiknya gunakan UPCMC atau software untuk memprogram PABX Panasonic type TDA.
- Reset PABX.
Ini berguna biar semua nilai dari programnya kembali ke nilai standar atau default value. - Cara meresetnya:
- Naikkan switch pada card MPR ke arah System Initialize.
- Hidupkan PABX.
- Setelah beberapa detik, turunkan switch ke arah Normal
- Pesawat telophone digital di colok di jack pertama / port pertama, pada TDA 100D, no extentionnya 101.
Jika menggunakan Card Digital (DLC, DHLC, dll) selalu ada di posisi port pertama. - Masuk ke menu program:
[Program] [*#1234]
Kemudian masuk ke nomer kode program, pada telephone ini, untuk masuk ke dalam code program harus menekan tombol [Enter], sedang tombol [Sp-Phone] lebih banyak dipakai untuk menuju menu selanjutnya.Jika ada salah program, tidak perlu menekan tombol [Hold] untuk kembali ke menu asal, cukup tekan tombol [Cancel] maka sub menu program akan kembali ke direktory kode program yang sedang dipakai.Setting TRS level:
[301] [Enter] masuk ke [Level No: isi 2] [Location No: isi 001] [isi dengan nilai 00] [Enter] dan [Sp-Phone] ini untuk pindah ke
[Location No 002: isi 100] [Enter] [Cancel] [Cancel] Sampai tampilan dilayar Level No. [Level No: isi 3] [Location No: isi 001] [isi dengan nilai 0] [Enter] [Location no 002: isi 100] [Enter] [Cancel] [Cancel]
[Level No: isi 4] [Location No: isi 001] [isi dengan nial: 00] [Enter][Sp-Phone] [01][Enter]
[Sp-Phone] [02] [Enter]
[Sp-Phone] [03] [Enter]
[Sp-Phone] [04] [Enter]
[Sp-Phone] [05] [Enter]
[Sp-Phone] [06] [Enter]
[Sp-Phone] [07] [Enter]
[Sp-Phone] [0809] [Enter]
[Sp-Phone] [09] [Enter]
[Cancel] [Cancel]
[Level No: isi 5] [Location no : 001] [isi dengan nilai: 1] [Enter]
[Sp-Phone] [2] [Enter]
[Sp-Phone] [3] [Enter]
[Sp-Phone] [4] [Enter]
[Sp-Phone] [5] [Enter]
[Sp-Phone] [6] [Enter]
[Sp-Phone] [7] [Enter]
[Sp-Phone] [8] [Enter]
[Sp-Phone] [9] [Enter]
[Sp-Phone] [0] [Enter]
Tekan tombol [Hold] untuk kembali kemenu system program. - Keterangan:
Jika sudah selesai setting ini, maka akan terbentuk nilai standar
COS 1 = Bebas Menelepon Keluar
COS 2 = Bisa SLJJ, HandPhone, Lokal, tidak bisa SLI
COS 3 = Hanya bisa Lokal
COS 4 = Hanya bisa Handphone
COS 5 = Hanya interkom, tidak bisa menelepon keluar.
Untuk daftar lengkap code program bisa dilihat di Daftar kode program TDA
- Setting Line / Trunk yang terpasang:
Pada TDA, jumlah line yang bisa terpasang tergantug dari card, ada yang 8, 16, atau 24, tapi tidak semua line ini dipakai. Tergantung dari jumlah line yang kita dapat dari provider (nomer telkom, gsm, dan lain sebagainya).
Jika line yang ada HANYA ada misal 4, maka sisanya (5-6-7-8) harus kita matikan atau Out Of Service, agar tidak terambil line yang kosong sewaktu mau menelepon keluar. Caranya:
Masuk ke program
[400] [Enter] [Slot No tempat Card CO terpasang] [Port No: Isi port yang tidak terpakai] pilih menggunakan tombol [Auto Ans] sampai tampilan dilayar [No Connect] [Enter]
Tekan tombol [Sp-Phone] atau tombol [Panah Bawah] untuk pindah ke port selanjutnya.
Ulangi sampai semua port yang tidak terpakai didiskonek dari pabx. - Setting Dering:
Untuk setting dering ini,secara defaultnya meski tidak di program akan berdering di extension 101.
Jika ingin mengubahnya maka bisa di program di [450]
Formatnya: [450] [Enter] [Time No] [Slot No] [Port No] [Destination No] [Enter]
[Time No] = 1/2/3/4
1 untuk Day Mode, 2 untuk Lunch mode, 3 untuk Break Mode, 4 untuk Night Mode. Default setting mode tidak otomatis, hanya Day Mode.
[Slot No] = 01 sampai 10
Slot no ini, tergantung dimana card CO dipasang di PABX.
[Port NO] = 01 sampai 16
Port tempat terpasangnya line dari luar. Jika hanya ada 4 line dan dipasang berurutan, maka cukup program sampai port 4.
[Destination No] = Nomer Extension / ICD / OGM / Group dll.
Ini tujuan dering dari line di port yang terpasang. Jika hanya ada 1 operator, maka cukup masukkan no extension operator tersebut pada [Destination No]. - Setting COS / restrict / pembatasan penelponan:
Untuk setting pembatasan suatu extension bisa menelpon keluar, maka bisa di program di code program no [ 602].
[602] [Enter] [No Extension yg akan dibatasi] [COS No] [Enter]
[COS No] seperti keterangan diatas sebelumnya:
Isi dari 1 sampai 5 sesuai dengan fasilitas yang diberikan pada extension tadi. - Setting Password:
Jika ada beberapa pesawat yang dikunci akses untuk menelpon keluar, tapi bisa menggunakan password untuk melakukan penelponan keluar, maka bisa di program di 2 tempat, yaitu code no [120] dan code [122]
[120] [Enter] [Location No] [Verified Code] [Enter]
untuk program no:
[122] [Enter] [Location No] [PIN] [Enter]
[Location No] adalah tempat password tersebut di tempatkan, atau nomer urut password.
Jika kita mau membuat misalnya passwordnya 123456, maka pada pemrograman harus di pecah jadi 2, misal 123 dan 456.
Misal mau membuat password 567890:
Panasonic – PABX – TDA100-200 PT Program
Saat programing melalui komputer bermasalah PT Programing bisa dilakukan melalui komputer.
Level: [Advanced]
Date & Time [000]
System Speed Dialling Number [001]
System Speed Dialling Name [002]
Extension Number [003]
Extension Name [004]
Extension Personal Identification Number (PIN) [005]
Operator Assignment [006]
Console Paired Telephone [007]
Absent Message [008]
Charge Margin [010]
Charge Tax [011]
Charge Rate per Unit [012]
Flexible Numbering [100]
Time Service Switching Mode [101]
Time Service Starting Time [102]
Idle Line Access (Local Access) [103]
System Password for Administrator?for PT Programming [110]
System Password for User?for PT Programming [111]
Manager Password [112]
Verified Code [120]
Verified Code Name [121]
Verified Code Personal Identification Number (PIN) [122]
Verified Code COS Number [123]
Decimal Point Position for Currency [130]
Currency [131]
Main Processing (MPR) Software Version Reference [190]
Hold Recall Time [200]
Transfer Recall Time [201]
Intercept Time [203]
Hot Line Waiting Time [204]
Automatic Redial Repeat Times [205]
Automatic Redial Interval [206]
Door Open Duration Time [207]
Call Duration Count Starting Time for LCOT [208]
DISA Delayed Answer Time [209]
DISA Trunk-to-Trunk Call Prolong Time [210]
DISA Intercept Time [211]
TRS/Barring Override by System Speed Dialling [300]
TRS/Barring Denied Code [301]
TRS/Barring Exception Code [302]
Special Carrier Access Code [303]
Emergency Number [304]
ARS Mode [320]
ARS Leading Number [321]
ARS Routing Plan Table Number [322]
ARS Exception Number [325]
ARS Routing Plan Time Table [330]
ARS Routing Plan Table (1?16) [331?346]
ARS Carrier Name [350]
ARS Trunk Group for Carrier Access [351]
ARS Removed Number of Digits for Carrier Access [352]
ARS Carrier Access Code [353]
LCOT/BRI Trunk Connection [400]
LCOT/BRI Trunk Name [401]
LCOT/BRI Trunk Group Number [402]
LCOT/BRI Trunk Number Reference [409]
LCOT Dialling Mode [410]
LCOT Pulse Rate [411]
LCOT DTMF Minimum Duration [412]
LCOT CPC Signal Detection Time?Outgoing [413]
LCOT CPC Signal Detection Time?Incoming [414]
LCOT Reverse Circuit [415]
LCOT Pause Time [416]
LCOT Flash/Recall Time [417]
LCOT Disconnect Time [418]
BRI Network Type [420]
BRI DIL/DDI/MSN Selection [421]
BRI Subscriber Number [422]
BRI Layer 1 Active Mode [424]
BRI Layer 2 Active Mode [425]
BRI Configuration [426]
BRI TEI Mode [427]
DIL 1:1 Destination [450
DID Number [451]
DID Name [452]
DID Destination [453]
Trunk Group Intercept Destination [470]
Host PBX Access Code [471]
Extension-to-Trunk Call Duration [472]
Trunk-to-Trunk Call Duration [473]
DISA Silence Detection [475]
DISA Continuous Signal Detection [476]
DISA Cyclic Signal Detection [477]
Caller ID Signal Type [490]
Pay Tone Signal Type [491]
Trunk Group Number [500]
TRS/Barring Level [501]
Trunk Call Duration Limitation [502]
Call Transfer to Trunk [503]
Call Forwarding to Trunk [504]
Executive Busy Override [505]
Executive Busy Override Deny [506]
DND Override [507]
Account Code Mode [508]
TRS/Barring Level for System Speed Dialling [509]
TRS/Barring Level for Extension Lock [510]
Manager Assignment [511]
Permission for Door Open Access [512]
Time Service Manual Switching [514]
Wireless XDP Parallel Mode for Paired Telephone [515]
Programming Mode Limitation [516]
EXtra Device Port (XDP) Mode [600]
Terminal Device Assignment [601]
Class of Service [602]
User Group [603]
Extension Intercept Destination [604]
Call Forwarding?No Answer Time [605]
CLIP/COLP Number [606]
Incoming Call Distribution Group Member [620]
Incoming Call Distribution Group Delayed Ringing [621]
Incoming Call Distribution Group Floating Extension Number [622]
Incoming Call Distribution Group Name [623
Incoming Call Distribution Group Distribution Method [62
Destination for Overflow Time Expiration [625]
Overflow Time [626]
Destination When All Busy [627]
Queuing Call Capacity [628]
Queuing Hurry-up Level [629]
Queuing Time Table [630]
Sequences in Queuing Time Table [631]
Maximum Number of Agents [632]
User Groups of a Paging Group [640]
External Pagers of a Paging Group [641]
User Groups of a Pickup Group [650]
VM Group Floating Extension Number [660]
Idle Extension Hunting Type [680]
Idle Extension Hunting Group Member [681]
PS Registration [690]
PS Termination [691]
Personal Identification Number (PIN) for PS Registration [692]
External Pager Floating Extension Number [700]
Music Source Selection for BGM2 [710]
Music on Hold [711]
Music for Transfer [712]
Doorphone Call Destination [720]
Doorphone Number Reference [729]
Outgoing Message (OGM) Floating Extension Number [730]
Outgoing Message (OGM) Name [731]
DISA Security Mode [732]
RS-232C Parameter?New Line Code [800]
RS-232C Parameter?Baud Rate [800]
RS-232C Parameter?Word Length [800]
RS-232C Parameter?Parity Bit [800]
RS-232C Parameter?Stop Bit Length [800]
External Modem Control [801]
SMDR Page Length [802]
SMDR Skip Perforation [803]
SMDR Outgoing Call Printing [804]
SMDR Incoming Call Printing [805]
Remote Programming [810]
Modem Floating Extension Number [811]
ISDN Remote Floating Extension Number [812]
Slot Card Type Reference [900]
Slot Card Deletion [901]
Slot Card Reset [902]
OPB3 Option Card Type Reference [910]
OPB3 Option Card Deletion [911]
Level: [Advanced]
Date & Time [000]
System Speed Dialling Number [001]
System Speed Dialling Name [002]
Extension Number [003]
Extension Name [004]
Extension Personal Identification Number (PIN) [005]
Operator Assignment [006]
Console Paired Telephone [007]
Absent Message [008]
Charge Margin [010]
Charge Tax [011]
Charge Rate per Unit [012]
Flexible Numbering [100]
Time Service Switching Mode [101]
Time Service Starting Time [102]
Idle Line Access (Local Access) [103]
System Password for Administrator?for PT Programming [110]
System Password for User?for PT Programming [111]
Manager Password [112]
Verified Code [120]
Verified Code Name [121]
Verified Code Personal Identification Number (PIN) [122]
Verified Code COS Number [123]
Decimal Point Position for Currency [130]
Currency [131]
Main Processing (MPR) Software Version Reference [190]
Hold Recall Time [200]
Transfer Recall Time [201]
Intercept Time [203]
Hot Line Waiting Time [204]
Automatic Redial Repeat Times [205]
Automatic Redial Interval [206]
Door Open Duration Time [207]
Call Duration Count Starting Time for LCOT [208]
DISA Delayed Answer Time [209]
DISA Trunk-to-Trunk Call Prolong Time [210]
DISA Intercept Time [211]
TRS/Barring Override by System Speed Dialling [300]
TRS/Barring Denied Code [301]
TRS/Barring Exception Code [302]
Special Carrier Access Code [303]
Emergency Number [304]
ARS Mode [320]
ARS Leading Number [321]
ARS Routing Plan Table Number [322]
ARS Exception Number [325]
ARS Routing Plan Time Table [330]
ARS Routing Plan Table (1?16) [331?346]
ARS Carrier Name [350]
ARS Trunk Group for Carrier Access [351]
ARS Removed Number of Digits for Carrier Access [352]
ARS Carrier Access Code [353]
LCOT/BRI Trunk Connection [400]
LCOT/BRI Trunk Name [401]
LCOT/BRI Trunk Group Number [402]
LCOT/BRI Trunk Number Reference [409]
LCOT Dialling Mode [410]
LCOT Pulse Rate [411]
LCOT DTMF Minimum Duration [412]
LCOT CPC Signal Detection Time?Outgoing [413]
LCOT CPC Signal Detection Time?Incoming [414]
LCOT Reverse Circuit [415]
LCOT Pause Time [416]
LCOT Flash/Recall Time [417]
LCOT Disconnect Time [418]
BRI Network Type [420]
BRI DIL/DDI/MSN Selection [421]
BRI Subscriber Number [422]
BRI Layer 1 Active Mode [424]
BRI Layer 2 Active Mode [425]
BRI Configuration [426]
BRI TEI Mode [427]
DIL 1:1 Destination [450
DID Number [451]
DID Name [452]
DID Destination [453]
Trunk Group Intercept Destination [470]
Host PBX Access Code [471]
Extension-to-Trunk Call Duration [472]
Trunk-to-Trunk Call Duration [473]
DISA Silence Detection [475]
DISA Continuous Signal Detection [476]
DISA Cyclic Signal Detection [477]
Caller ID Signal Type [490]
Pay Tone Signal Type [491]
Trunk Group Number [500]
TRS/Barring Level [501]
Trunk Call Duration Limitation [502]
Call Transfer to Trunk [503]
Call Forwarding to Trunk [504]
Executive Busy Override [505]
Executive Busy Override Deny [506]
DND Override [507]
Account Code Mode [508]
TRS/Barring Level for System Speed Dialling [509]
TRS/Barring Level for Extension Lock [510]
Manager Assignment [511]
Permission for Door Open Access [512]
Time Service Manual Switching [514]
Wireless XDP Parallel Mode for Paired Telephone [515]
Programming Mode Limitation [516]
EXtra Device Port (XDP) Mode [600]
Terminal Device Assignment [601]
Class of Service [602]
User Group [603]
Extension Intercept Destination [604]
Call Forwarding?No Answer Time [605]
CLIP/COLP Number [606]
Incoming Call Distribution Group Member [620]
Incoming Call Distribution Group Delayed Ringing [621]
Incoming Call Distribution Group Floating Extension Number [622]
Incoming Call Distribution Group Name [623
Incoming Call Distribution Group Distribution Method [62
Destination for Overflow Time Expiration [625]
Overflow Time [626]
Destination When All Busy [627]
Queuing Call Capacity [628]
Queuing Hurry-up Level [629]
Queuing Time Table [630]
Sequences in Queuing Time Table [631]
Maximum Number of Agents [632]
User Groups of a Paging Group [640]
External Pagers of a Paging Group [641]
User Groups of a Pickup Group [650]
VM Group Floating Extension Number [660]
Idle Extension Hunting Type [680]
Idle Extension Hunting Group Member [681]
PS Registration [690]
PS Termination [691]
Personal Identification Number (PIN) for PS Registration [692]
External Pager Floating Extension Number [700]
Music Source Selection for BGM2 [710]
Music on Hold [711]
Music for Transfer [712]
Doorphone Call Destination [720]
Doorphone Number Reference [729]
Outgoing Message (OGM) Floating Extension Number [730]
Outgoing Message (OGM) Name [731]
DISA Security Mode [732]
RS-232C Parameter?New Line Code [800]
RS-232C Parameter?Baud Rate [800]
RS-232C Parameter?Word Length [800]
RS-232C Parameter?Parity Bit [800]
RS-232C Parameter?Stop Bit Length [800]
External Modem Control [801]
SMDR Page Length [802]
SMDR Skip Perforation [803]
SMDR Outgoing Call Printing [804]
SMDR Incoming Call Printing [805]
Remote Programming [810]
Modem Floating Extension Number [811]
ISDN Remote Floating Extension Number [812]
Slot Card Type Reference [900]
Slot Card Deletion [901]
Slot Card Reset [902]
OPB3 Option Card Type Reference [910]
OPB3 Option Card Deletion [911]
cara lain :
code program PABX Panasonic berikut untuk typePanasonic KX TA 308, KX TA 616, KX TA 624. Jika password belum di ganti maka Password standard or Defaultnya adalah 1234 kemudian tekan PROG + *#dan kemudian tekan kode-kode berikut sesuai dengan keinginan yang di maksud.
misalnya untuk blokir semua panggilan masuk hanya bisa di gunakan untuktelepon internal saja maka tekan PROG + *# kemudian masukan password dan tekan kode 408 (Flexible ringing assignment – D / N / L). Silahkan ber experimen sendiri yach untuk kode yang lain
Kode Lengkapnya adalah :
000 Data and time setting001 System speed dialing entry
002 System password
003 DSS Console port assignment
004 Paired telephone assignment for DSS CONSOLE
005 One touch transfer using a DSS BUTTON
006 Time service ( Day / Night / Lunch ) changing mode
007 Time service start time
008 Operator assignment
009 Extension number assignment
100 Hunting group set
101 Hunting type
102 Voice mail port
103 DTFM Integration
104 Hold mode selection
105 Conference tone
106 External paging acces tone
107 DTMF Receiver check
108 Flash mode for a station locked extension
109 CO Indictor assignment
110 Flash key mode
111 Hold music selection
112 DSS Console indication mode
113 Automatic redial reapet
114 Automatic redial interval time
115 extention ringing pattern selection
116 Conference pattern selection
117 Call pickup tone
118 Pulse restriction
119 Redialing after pulse to tone conversion
120 Bell frequency
121 Automatic outside co line access number
122 Automatic rotation for CO LINE
123 Break ratio
124 SLT ringing mode selection
125 Tool restriction check for * and #
200 Hold recall time
201 Transfer recall time
202 Call forwarding start time
203 Pickup dial delay time
204 Call duration count start time
205 Outside to outside ( CO to CO ) line duration time limit
206 Dialing start time
207 Hook switch flash timing range selection
208 Inter digit time
211 No dial disconnection
212 CO Line duration time limit
213 Bell off detection
300 Carrier code detection
301 Toll restriction – SSD
302 – 305 Toll restriction class 2 trough 5 denied codes
306 Toll restriction – exeption codes
309 Toll emergency dial number set
310 Account codes
311 Automatic pause insertion codes
312 Toll restriction – station lock bondry class
400 CO Line connection
401 Dial mode
402 Pulse speed selection
403 Host PBX acces codes
404 Outside ( co ) line group assignment
405 – 407 Flexible outward dialing assignment – D / N / L
408 – 410 Flexible ringing assignment – D / N / L
411 – 413 Delayed ringing assignment – D / N / L
414 – 416 Outside ( CO ) line mode – D / N / L
417 Pause time
418 Flash time
419 Automatic designated outside ( CO ) line access
420 Calling party control ( CPC ) signal
421 CPC detection for outgoing calls
422 Disconection time
423 Outside ( CO ) line ringing pattern select
424 Reverse ( polarity ) circuit assignment
500 DISA incoming dialing mode selection
501 DISA built in Auto attendant
502 OGM Mode selection
503 FAX Conection
504 DISA Delayed answer time
505 DISA Waiting time after OGM
506 DISA Busy mode
507 DISA Intercept mode
508 DISA ringing time before intercept
509 DISA ringing time after intercept
510 DISA No dial mode
511 DISA Security type
512 DISA Security codes
513 Cyclic tone detection
514 Fax tone detection
515 Intercept time for for internal DISA
516 DISA incoming assignment
517 DISA AA wait time
518 DISA Tone selection after the security codes
519 DISA OGM Mute time
520 UCD Group
521 UCD Busy waiting time
522 UCD OGM Message internal time
523 UCD Busy mode
524 UCD Intercept mode
525 UCD ringing time before intercept
526 UCD ringing time after intercept
600 Extension group assignment
601 – 603 TRS – COS ( Class Of Service ) Assignment
604 Ext name setting
605 Account codes entry mode
606 Call transfer to an outside ( CO ) line
607 Call forwarding to an outside ( CO ) line
608 Executive busy overide
609 DND Overide
610 Pararelled telf conection
611 TAM ( Telp Answering Machine ) Ext
612 Room monitoring assignment
613 Outside ( CO ) line detection time limit selection
614 Internal pulse detection
615 LCD Language
700 – 702 Doorphone ringing assignment
703 – 705 Door opener assignment
706 Doorphone ringing / tone pattern selection
707 Doorphone acces tone selection
708 Doorphone ringing assignment
709 Door opener time
800 SMDR RS – 232 C Com parameter
801 SMDR Parameter
802 Incoming / outgoing call selection for printing
803 Secret speed dialing / one touch dialing printing
805 SMDR Account code selection
806 SMDR Language assignment
999 System data clear
1. Slide the system clear switch to the “ CLEAR “ position
2. Press the “ RESET “ button
3. Return the system “ CLEAR “ switch to the “ NORMAL “ position
before the power indicator stop flashing.
( The power indicator will flash for about 10 second )
( The power indicator will flash for about 10 second )