Rabu, 17 Desember 2014

How to shut down or restart the computer with a batch file

Below are steps on how to restart, shutdown, and hibernate a Windows computer from a batch file or the command line.

Windows Vista, 7, and 8 users

Microsoft Windows Vista, 7, and 8 includes a similar shutdown command feature that XP did to shutdown the computer through the command line, shortcut, or batch files. Below are the steps required for creating a shutdown, restart, and hibernate shortcut.
2. For the location of the shortcut type one of the below commands depending on what you want to do.
To shutdown the computer type the below line in the location text field.
shutdown.exe /s /t 00
To restart the computer type the below line in the location text field.
shutdown.exe /r /t 00
To hibernate the computer type the below line in the location text field.
shutdown.exe /h
3. Click Next, and then for the name of the shortcut type either Shut downRestart, orHibernate and then click Finish.
After completing the above steps, double-click the shortcut icon to shut down, restart, or put the computer into hibernation.
Additional information and options about the shutdown command is on our shutdown command page.

Windows XP users

Microsoft Windows XP includes a new shutdown command that allows users to shutdown the computer through the command line, shortcut, or batch files. Below are the steps required for creating a shutdown and restart shortcut.
2. For the location of the shortcut type one of the below commands depending on what you want to do.
To shut down your computer type the below line in the location.
shutdown.exe -s -t 00
To restart the computer type the below line in the location.
shutdown.exe -r -t 00
3. Click Next, and then for the name of the shortcut type either Shut down or Restartand then click Finish.
After completing the above steps, double-click the shortcut icon to shut down or restart the computer.
Additional information and options about the shutdown command is on our shutdown command page.

Windows 95, 98, and ME users

Create a batch file with the lines mentioned below for the action you want to perform.
Restarting the computer
START C:\Windows\RUNDLL.EXE user.exe,exitwindowsexec
Shut down the computer
C:\Windows\RUNDLL32.EXE user,exitwindows
Note: When typing the above two lines, spacing is important. Also, make sure to enter the exit line at the bottom of the batch file in case Windows cannot restart the computer because of the open MS-DOS window.
Microsoft Windows 98 and Windows ME users can also run the below command to perform different forms of rebooting or shutting down.
rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx n
Where n is equal to one of the numbers below, depending on the action you want the computer to perform.
  • 0 - LOGOFF
  • 1 - SHUTDOWN
  • 2 - REBOOT
  • 4 - FORCE
  • 8 - POWEROFF

schedule restart print spooler service

Nih Caranya Gan..

Buka Notepad ...

Copy nih :

net stop tcp print services
net stop spooler
net start spooler

save jadiin *.bat

bikin deh schedule nya di Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Scheduled Tasks.

pasti dah bisa dong settingnya...

semoga bermanfaat 

Selasa, 16 Desember 2014

Scheduling your Server to Automatically Reboot

Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2003 comes with the built-in ability to schedule your server to reboot at any time of your choosing. It is quite simple to set up.
Navigate to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Scheduled Tasks.
Click on the icon which says Add Scheduled Task.
You should now see the Add Scheduled Task Wizard. Click Next.
Disregard the list of programs, and click the Browse button.
By default, the browse button will bring you to the root of the C: drive. Navigate to WINDOWS -> system32 and locate the file named ‘shutdown.exe’. Highlight it, and click Open.
Enter your desired name for this task. For the purposes of this article, we will name this task ‘Auto-Reboot’. Next, choose how often you would like your server to reboot, whether it is daily, weekly, or monthly. For example, let’s select monthly. Once selected, click Next.
Here, you can select the time and date of the month you would like the server to automatically reboot. For example, we will select 1:00 AM for the time. As you can see, you have many configurable options available for which day of the month you prefer. For example, we will choose the Last Thursday of the month. Once your desired options have been set, click Next.
Type in the password for the user you would like this task to run under. If you are setting this task to run under your ‘ServerAdmin’ login, enter the ‘ServerAdmin’ password. Once entered, click Next.
On the next screen, place a check-mark in the option for ‘Open advanced properties for this task when I click Finish’. Once the check-mark is entered, click Finish.
Now, we need to enter a specific command to make the server reboot rather than simply shutdown. Add the following line in the Run field after ‘shutdown.exe’, without the parentheses:
(-r -t 00)
The Run field should now look like this:
You will need to enter your ‘ServerAdmin’ password to confirm the changes. Once entered, click OK.
You have now set Windows to automatically reboot as the time you have specified.

Windows 2008

Navigate to Start > Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler
Name the task to reflect the nature of the request. Click Next
The next two screens will allow you to set the frequency of the task. Do so then click Next as you are ready
Select “Start a program“, then click Next
In the “Program/Script” box enter in “C:\Windows\system32\shutdown.exe.” If this is a x64 bit operating system, you will want to use “C:\Windows\SysWOW64\shutdown.exe“. Click Next when finished

Minggu, 14 Desember 2014

Jadwal dan Lokasi Mobil SIM & STNK Kota Depok

JADWAL SIM keliling / Samsat KOTA DEPOK

Senin : Giant supermarket Bojong Sari , jl raya bojong sari dekat kolam renang arah ciputat

Selasa : RRI Cimanggis jl Raya Bogor Cimanggis

Rabu : DTC MAHARAJA ( Depok Trade Center ) Jl. raya sawangan , komp perum Maharaja Mampang Depok

Kamis : Mall Cinere Jl. raya cinere

Jum'at: Depok Town Square ( DETOS ) dalam dekat galery ATM - Jl. Margonda
Jam 09.00 sd 12.00

Sabtu : > Pagi = Margo City jl. Margonda raya 08.00 sd 13.00
             > Sore = ITC Depok  17.00 sd 20.30

Minggu : > POM Bensin Pertamina Beji Jl.Margonda Raya

Pelaksanaan : Jam 08.00 s/d 11.00 
Syarat perpanjangan  : 
1. SIM lama  
2.  1 lembar Photo copy KTP yang masih berlaku

Up Date 05 .06.2014

Mobile SIM  in Honda Care sawangan 
Pelayanan SIM malam hari  kota depok 

layanan baru ini dilaksanakan mulai  tgl 21/01/12
Lokasi depan pintu utama ITC Depok, Jalan Margonda Raya. 
Hari sabtu     : pelayanan di buka  mulai pukul 16.00 hingga pukul 21.00. 
Hari Minggu  :  pelayanan dibuka mulai pukul 08.00 hingga pukul 21.00. 

Syarat bawa : Fotocopi KTP
SIM lama
update : 11-01-2012

Pelayanan hanya untuk perpanjangan untuk  SIM baru tetap dilaksanakan di pasar segar tole iskandar 


Untuk pembuatan sim baru maupun perpanjangan SIM ,sim motor maupun mobil serta sim pelajar  dilaksanakan di Gedung Pasar segar depok lt DasarJl.Tole Iskandar Depok 2 ,

syarat- syarat : 
SIM  : ktp depok dan photocopy 4
SIM pelajar : Kartu Pelajar dan Kartu Keluarga 

Untuk yang akan ke luar negeri 

SIM Internasioanal  pembuatannya di DI DIRLANTAS PMJ ( Direktorat lalulintas Polda Metro Jaya ) Jl. Letjen MT Haryono jakarta selatan (dekat stasiun cawang ) berada didepan gedung NTMC , samping  Masjid Dir Lantas . 

pembuat sim datang sendiri dengan kelengkapan karena akan di photo , masuk gedung TMC ,(Ruang tunggu  ) tekan tombol antrian kemudian tunggu panggilan 

Syarat - syarat yang di bawa :
1. Photo 4 x 6     latar biru  3
2. pasport asli dan photocopy
3. KTP dan photocopy
4.SIM yang berlaku dan photocopy
5.KITAP asli dan Photocopy untuk WNA
6.Berdasarkan PP No. 50 Th. 2010 tentang PNBPyang berlaku pada kepolisian negara republik Indonesia. SIM Internasional Baru Rp. 250.000 Sim Internasional Perpanjangan Rp. 225.000
7. Materai Rp. 6000. 

Proses pembuatan  +-15 Menit, diluar waktu tunggu antrian 
Masa Berlaku 1 tahun 

Perpanjangan STNK Kota Depok

1. Kantor SAMSAT Sukmajaya

Untuk Wilayah Kecamatan : cilodong ,  Cimanggis , Tapos , Sukmajaya , Bojonggede ,Cipayung.

2. Gedung baru SAMSAT Cinere
jl. Raya Cinere
Untuk wilayah Kecamatan: pancoramas ,Sawangan , Bojong sari , Limo , Cinere , 
Telp :021.7537837

dari margonda terminal depok / stasiun depok baru dapat di tempuh dengan angkot D 03 jurusan terminal - parung turun di pertigaan Parung binggung  (pertigaan ke  kubah emas ) lanjut naik angkot parung binggung - pandok labu / cinere

Samsat online 3 provinsi Kota Depok
Di Samsat cinere terdapat loket khusus untuk pelayanan  samsat online 3 provinsi :
untuk wilayah : 1. Provinsi DKI Jakarta : seluruh wilayah Jakarta 
                        2. Provinsi Jawa Barat : * Bekasi Kota * Kabupaten Bekasi * Kota Depok
                        3. Provinsi Banten        : * Tanngerang Kota  *Kabupaten Tanggerang  * Tanggerang Selatan 

3. DEPOK TOWN SQUARE ( Untuk semua wilayah kota depok )

Depok Town Square Lt. UG Blog Gs No . 30 , Jl. Margonda  kota depok
 Telp : 021.78870227
dekat Galery ATM Belakang
Outlet ini hanya melayani perpanjangan STNK saja.
pelayanan dari jam 9 pagi sampai jam 7 malam ( lihat jadwal buka layanan)

Untuk ganti plat 5 tahunan , Bpkb Leasing , Mutasi dlnya, tetap di samsat sukmajaya atau samsat Cinere

Senin s/d  Jum at  buka disesuaikan dgn dengan jam operasi mall
Sabtu buka jam 10 pagi Sesuai dibukanya pintu mall detos ( up date tgl 3 mei 2014 )